We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale. Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.

our key topics cover

VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Introducing mutual credit
What is mutual credit? How does it work? How can we enable local mutual credit networks and transition away from the present ‘debt based’ economy and start trading within networks of trust? This introductory session on mutual credit features Giuseppe...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - The language of the commons
“Throughout history, problems have arisen when the language used to represent reality fails to meet the needs and aspirations of people.” David Bollier & Silke Helfrich – Free, Fair and Alive Words, terms and categories of thought isolate and...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 Introduction
OPEN 2020 is a collaborative online event for anyone that is interested in creating a world which places people and planet before profit. In this introductory session we set the context of the event and use polls to gather feedback from attendees about...
building the commons economy - enric duran faircoin
Building the commons economy - Q&A with Enric Duran from Faircoin
In the run up to OPEN 2020 we interviewed Enric Duran, a founding member of the Catalan Integral Cooperative (CIC – Cooperativa Integral Catalana) and Faircoop, who developed the Faircoin project. OSB: How are things going with Faircoop and Faircoin?...
OPEN 2020 Webinar - Vocdoni as an engagement tool for cooperatives
In this webinar we hear from Ferran Reyes of Vocdoni. Vocdoni is a FLOSS project building a privacy-centric platform for digital governance using digital voting with maximum guarantees of anonymity, and a toolset to manage the relationship of organizations...
OPEN 2020 Webinar – Holochain
In this webinar we hear from Grace Rachmany, Hedayat Abedijoo and Guillem Cordoba about Holochain. Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Distributing the storage and processing of data...
OPEN 2020 Webinar – SourceCred
Inn this OPEN 2020 Webinar we hear from Dandelion Mane at SourceCred and discuss how we can reward collaboration. SourceCred is building a new way measure and reward value. They are building new kinds of communities: open-source projects in which anyone...
OPEN 2020 Webinar – Open Collective
In this third intro webinar of OPEN 2020 we hear from Xavier Damman, of Open Collective –  which lets groups manage their finances so everyone can see where money comes from and where it goes, without requiring the group to be an incorporated entity....
OPEN 2020 Webinar – Digital Life Collective
In this second intro webinar of OPEN 2020 – Christina Bowen, Joachim Stroh and Graham Mitchell introduce the Digital Life Collective. Digital Life Collective members research, develop, fund and support Tech We Trust technologies that prioritize...
Scaling platform co-ops - lessons from
In the lead up to OPEN 2020 we spoke to Nick Meyne from Resonate, the community-owned music network. OSB: How are things going at Resonate? Is Peter Harris who spoke at OPEN 2018 still with you? NM: Peter is very much still here, but after nearly 5 years,...

Everyone is welcome at The Open Co-op.