We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale. Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.

our key topics cover

Decent Gov Now
By definition our government should be decent. But it is not. Being decent requires ‘conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour’ or performing to ‘an acceptable standard’. But, according to MORI’s Trends showing satisfaction...
OPEN 2020: Networked Commons Initiatives
OPEN 2020 took place entirely online over two days of talks and discussions and even some poetry – the videos are below in chronological order. You can also view them in the OPEN 2020 playlist on our YouTube channel – which includes all the...
Bristol pay
Bristol Pay – a possible future for local currencies
This webinar starts with a presentation of the history of the Bristol Pound and the learnings gained from running the UK’s largest local currency for 8 years. It then moves onto ideas for a new approach to helping the economy to transition to be greener,...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Governance in collaborative projects
OPEN 2020 was run using an open source video tool, managed by a new platform co-op, But how should this co-op, and other collaborative projects, be stewarded and governed to best effect? Following on from the first session on The tools of collaboration...
Video: OPEN 2020 - Mutual credit deep dive
Although Mutual Credit has a strong pedigree, both theoretical and practical, it cannot be said to have ‘moved the needle’ in terms of the world economy. If we believe that mutual credit is important, that it holds a promise of deep systemic change to...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Cooperation will win
Watch the Introduction to day 2 and discussion with Esther Foreman from the The Social Change Agency. Esther and team helped set up and support over 110 mutual aid groups via Open Collective during the Covid pandemic and their work, supporting people-powered...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Mr Gee
At the end of Day 1 of OPEN 2020 – after 6 hours of focused discussion about co-creating the collaborative economy – it was time for something different… which came in the form of a surprise performance from Poet & Radio Presenter...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Universal Basic Everything
During this session we hear from Iris Schönherr about the amazing Every One Every Day project they have been running in Barking and Dagenham, building universal basic infrastructures for peer-to-peer participation. Read more about their work and the vision...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Coordination in decentralised networks
There are hundreds of thousands of groups and communities working on building a new economy, but no centralised control or coordination system – after all, that’s the whole point of a decentralised network, there shouldn’t be any central ‘nodes’! But...
VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Tools of collaboration
Every group, project or community needs digital tools to enable collaboration. But which tools should we choose? This is the first of two sessions looking at common infrastructure for the communities and organisations that are building the new economy....

Everyone is welcome at The Open Co-op.