We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale. Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.
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02 March, 2015
NOTE: when I first re-launched this blog is was because people like @edmayo1 and @mbauwens had started to talk about ‘Open Co-ops’. Now even more people are getting in on the game, it’s fantastic! Also, big thanks are due to the wonderful...
02 March, 2015
NOTE: This great article by @kirstystyles1 links to this website with the text “plenty of resources”, which is flattering (and would be true if the 50 or so draft posts I’ve got half-done were published), but where I’ve actually...
04 October, 2014
David Hodgson from Humingbird Labs had lunch with Citizen Code co-founder Noah Thorp, found out about the concept of ‘Grunt Funds of and then posted this very interesting article over at Bloomberg BusinessWeek about ‘Grunt Funds’ or...
03 October, 2014
The best thing about going to the Co-op Bank Crisis: Ways Foward for the Co-operative Movement conference organised by Co-operative Business Consultants was getting introduced to Rory Ridley-Duff by Mark Simmonds as someone else who is interested in multi-stakeholder...
03 October, 2014
The best new thing I learnt about at OuiShare Fest 2014: The Age of Communities was Open State. Here is the video of Dominik Wind’s presentation about it: The idea is to create a fully operating replicable cell of a future-proof society. I’m...
23 September, 2014
Originally published over at Open Data Manchester by Julian Tait This is a synopsis of the meeting held in Berlin that forms the basis of the upcoming Open : Data : Cooperation event on the 20th October 2014 Open : Data : Cooperatives. On the evening...
12 August, 2014
this article originally appeared on the P2P Foundation Michel Bauwens: “The cooperative movement and cooperative enterprises are in the midst of a revival, even as some of their long-standing entities are failing. This revival is part of an ebb and flow...
12 August, 2014
this article originally appeared in Stir Magazine illustration by Daksheeta Pattni In 2002 I described United Diversity as “a member owned and stakeholder governed network of mutual advantage.” In truth, it was aspirational. At the time, the flexible...
14 January, 2014
UPDATE: The wonderful people over at Guerrilla Translation have now transcribed this must listen podcast into both Spanish and English. I’ve pasted their English transcription below this post for good measure. Last night I finally got around to...
07 January, 2014
Back in 2004, Gary Alexander from the Open University, Tom Salfield and Josef Davies-Coates from United Diversity, and Oliver Sylvester-Bradley from Defacto Design together launched The Open Co-op. We described ourselves as a Co-operative Open Organisation....
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