OPEN 2020 took place entirely online over two days of talks and discussions and even some poetry – the videos are below in chronological order. You can also view them in the OPEN 2020 playlist on our YouTube channel – which includes all the pre-event webinars too.
OPEN 2020 – Introduction
OPEN 2020 was a collaborative online event for anyone interested in creating a world which places people and planet before profit. In this introductory session we set the context of the event by explaining: What is The Open Co-op – and what are the aims of OPEN 2020? And an overview of our approach to answering the calling question: How can we enable small groups to form, exchange ideas, define shared purposes, to collaborate effectively, and trade – within a global network of like minded commons building initiatives? We also hear updates from Indra Adnan of the Alternative UK and Francesca Pick of Greaterthan, Cobudget, Ouishare and Enspiral as part of our work to connect the dots and encourage greater collaboration and coordination throughout the decentralised network of commons building initiatives.
OPEN 2020 – The language of the commons
Words, terms and categories of thought isolate and emphasise certain points of view. They determine what we notice and think about things – they shape our reality. So, if we want to create a new reality, we are going to need new language! In this session we introduce – and define – some of the basic terms which are used in discussions of the ‘regenerative economy’. The aim is to make our vocabulary as accessible as possible, to help communication between everyone on these topics.
OPEN 2020 – Introducing mutual credit
What is mutual credit? How does it work? How can we enable local mutual credit networks and transition away from the present ‘debt based’ economy and start trading within networks of trust? This introductory session on mutual credit features Giuseppe Littera, co-founder of Sardex, one of the most successful mutual credit networks in Europe and Dil Green of the UK’s Open Credit Network.
OPEN 2020 – Tools of collaboration
Every group, project or community needs digital tools to enable collaboration. But which tools should we choose? This is the first of two sessions looking at common infrastructure for the communities and organisations that are building the new economy.
OPEN 2020 – Coordination in decentralised networks
This session introduces the concept of protocols, and as a method to coordinate the vast diversity within our decentralised movement – and explains how projects, working groups and communities can benefit from increased exposure by installing one simple file on their websites.
OPEN 2020 – Universal Basic Everything
During this session we hear from Iris Schönherr about the amazing Every One Every Day project they have been running in Barking and Dagenham, building universal basic infrastructures for peer-to-peer participation.
OPEN 2020 – Mr Gee
At the end of Day 1 of OPEN 2020 – after 6 hours of focused discussion about co-creating the collaborative economy – it was time for something different… which came in the form of a surprise performance from Poet & Radio Presenter Mr Gee.
OPEN 2020 – Cooperation will win
Watch the Introduction to day 2 and discussion with Esther Foreman from the The Social Change Agency. Esther and team helped set up and support over 110 mutual aid groups via Open Collective during the Covid pandemic and their work, supporting people-powered networks, is paving the way for a world in which people and planet come before profit.
OPEN 2020 – Mutual credit deep dive
Although Mutual Credit has a strong pedigree, both theoretical and practical, it cannot be said to have ‘moved the needle’ in terms of the world economy. If we believe that mutual credit is important, that it holds a promise of deep systemic change to the incentives that dictate what sort of economy we can have, then we need to understand the reasons for this lack of wider impact.
OPEN 2020 – Governance in collaborative projects
OPEN 2020 was run using an open source video tool, managed by a new platform co-op, But how should this co-op, and other collaborative projects, be stewarded and governed to best effect? Following on from the first session on The tools of collaboration this second session addresses governance and stewarding in a collaborative, commons building projects.
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