We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale.
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our key topics cover
18 March, 2018
There’s something exciting happening in the world of co-ops which harks back to the very beginning of the movement. Although Rochdale is normally credited as the “birthplace of cooperation” records show that in 1761, sixteen weavers...
08 March, 2018
Trebor Scholz speaks at OPEN 2017 about the new role for co-ops, unions and tech within the burgeoning cooperative economy. Join us for OPEN 2018 in London in July and “find the others” that are part of this growing movement.
20 February, 2018
This little 1 min video highlights what to expect at OPEN 2018, the Platform Co-op conference on “Collaborative technology for the co-operative economy” – as told by the voice of the future… Please share!
08 February, 2018
After an extremely successful event in February 2017 at Goldsmiths University The Open Co-op conference is back with a new line up and a new venue for 2018. This year, OPEN 2018, will be held at Conway Hall in Holborn, London, on the 26th and 27th of...
25 January, 2018
Co-op coins are not a new concept but the days of trading locally minted coins for a pint of milk or a loaf of bread are long gone. Instead, the rising interest in digital currencies and rapid increase in the number of Initial Coin Offerings looks set...
24 November, 2017
This superb discussion about Platform Co-ops entitled “What happened to the future?” was the plenary at the recent event “The People’s Disruption” at the New School in New York on the 10th of November 2017. The panel session...
25 September, 2017
If you work in any type of co-op, or non-hierarchical group, with open and inclusive values and aspirations for horizontal management, this post is for you. It summarises a workshop from the founders of Loomio, at which they shared their distilled wisdom...
02 March, 2017
At OPEN 2017 one of the open space sessions which was proposed by Phil Carey focused on “Inter-generational Collaborative Platforms”. Here Phil explains what was discussed and the ‘call to action’ that developed from the session....
02 March, 2017
Watch the videos from OPEN 2017 – The two day conference on Platform Co-ops, organised by The Open Co-op on the 16 – 17 February 2017. OPEN 2017 – Introduction Oliver Sylvester-Bradley introduces the OPEN 2017 – Platform Co-ops...
03 February, 2017
Brianna Wettlaufer is the CEO and Co-founder of Stocksy, a platform co-op which offers a highly curated collection of royalty-free stock photography and video footage. In the run-up to OPEN 2017, where Brianna will be speaking, Oliver Sylvester-Bradley...
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