We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale. Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.
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24 April, 2020
Watch the first intro webinar of OPEN 2020 with Stacco Troncoso and colleagues from Guerrilla Media Collective discussing DisCos, Distributed Cooperative Organizations. The DisCO (read all about it in the DisCO Manifesto) takes a friendly but carefully...
16 April, 2020
The Open Co-op has a vision that we have championed for some time: That an open source platform which provides all the online tools a community needs to thrive could radically catalyse collaboration at scale. We spoke to the Founder and CEO of Open Collective...
02 April, 2020
OPEN 2020 is a collaborative online event for anyone that is interested in creating a world which places people and planet before profit. Recognising that there are hundreds of thousands of groups and communities working on this general objective…...
26 March, 2020
In the run up to OPEN 2020, which will now be an online event, we caught up with Samer Hassan from P2P Models, where they are investigating decentralizing power and value to deliver the collaborative economy using blockchain. OSB: What’s the latest news...
12 March, 2020
As event organisers the safety of our community is paramount and for the last few weeks we have been closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the advice from Public Health England and the NHS. Due to the current...
10 March, 2020
The following blog is a guest post from Daniel Heery, from Charge My Street – a platform co-op that installs and operates community chargepoints for electric vehicles, which is currently raising money through community shares. An the first Open...
05 March, 2020
The main challenge we need to solve in the platform co-op community is how to reach critical mass… and how to pass users from one platform to another. is a platform co-op whose name precedes it. Everyone’s heard of the venture-capital-backed...
04 March, 2020
I see a real need for “scaled connectivity” to advance our work as part of a viable ecosystem. In the run up to OPEN 2020 in London in June, we interviewed Sarah, Mckinley, Director for European Programs for The Democracy Collaborative and the European...
28 February, 2020
In my previous post on making groups work I argued that a centralised, cooperatively owned platform could be one of the most effective ways to catalyse the co-creation of a new economy, right now. My argument for centralisation is based wholly on practicalities...
21 February, 2020
What would a sustainable, universally beneficial economy look like? “Like a doughnut,” says Oxford economist Kate Raworth. In this eye-opening talk, she explains how we can move countries out of the hole, where people are falling short on...
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