We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale. Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.
our key topics cover
08 May, 2019
Having re-watched the webinar on Catalysing Collaboration at Scale I wondered if it might be possible to identify some of the key themes of collaboration. Truly effective, synergistic, collaboration is an elusive beast at the best of times and the idea...
07 March, 2019
As a species, human beings are barely more intelligent than kindergarten kids. We revel at our place at the top of the food chain, and praise our technological ingenuity but, let’s face it, we’ve barely begun to work life out. We’ve created one directional...
31 October, 2018
Below is a recording of a session from the OPEN 2018 conference about “When communities of practice meet the collaborative economy” featuring Dr Laura James, Mark Walton, Kate Swade, and Wouter Tebbens, presented by the inimitable Bernie from...
31 October, 2018
Below is a recording of a session from the OPEN 2018 conference on “The BIG Questions: Tech, Power and Society” featuring Jaya Klara Brekke, Nathan Schneider, Duncan McCann, presented by the inimitable Bernie from OuishareRadio. In this session...
27 September, 2018
See also the videos from the Main Hall, Workshop space and Open space. What happened at OPEN 2018? Nathan Schneider kicked things off with an excellent introduction explaining some of the history of cooperative ownership. Nathan also questioned where...
24 September, 2018
OPEN 2018 – Welcome and reflections from day 1 Oliver Sylvester-Bradley provides an explanation of platform co-ops and a few thoughts from Day 1. OPEN 2018 – A shared social vision Gary Alexander presents ‘A shared social vision’ including...
20 September, 2018
Here’s the list of questions that were asked via Slido at OPEN 2018 on the Main Stage… a lot of them were answered (see the videos and collaborative notes), but a lot were not, so if you want to chip in and answer any of them feel free to...
30 August, 2018
DAY 1 The workshop space at OPEN 2018 featured a range of session covering many different projects and approaches to building a more collaborative, cooperative future. We’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone who contributed and especially...
26 August, 2018
DAY 1 The Open Space sessions at OPEN 2018 were a chance for attendees to put forward their own discussion topics. People put forward proposals on Loomio in the run-up to the event, others voted and the most popular sessions took place over the two days...
19 July, 2018
OPEN 2018 is not just about showcasing platform co-ops. It’s about the ownership revolution and forging a path to a collaborative, sustainable economy. It’s about creating new organisations which are member owned and democratically governed so that...
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