We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale.
Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.

our key topics cover

Decentralized Identifiers
PLANET Research - Decentralized Identifiers
TL;DR From Centralized SSO to DIDs: Traditional Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions are complex and create single points of failure. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) offer self-sovereign identity, reducing reliance on central authorities while enhancing security...
from Platforms to Protocols - How PLANET paves the way to a collaborative economy
Breaking Free from Walled Gardens: How PLANET paves the way to a collaborative economy
Imagine a world where every individual and organisation working towards a regenerative future could seamlessly connect, share resources, and collaborate—without being trapped in a single platform’s ecosystem. This is exactly what PLANET is designed to...
Platforms vs Protocols
A Protocol for sharing Offers & Wants between networks
It was almost 2.5 years ago that Ivana started a thread about marrying needs and offers on The Open Co-op Loomio, which is one of the most read and commented on threads in the forum presumably because a lot of people agree that better sharing of Offers...
PLANET Pioneers
Vision, Progress, Roadmap
The Open Co-op was founded in 2004 and has a long history of organising events and running projects to help grow the commons. Everything we do aims to build towards our vision of a collaborative econ regenerative economy. We are especially focused on...
catalysing collaboration at scale
Catalysing collaboration at scale 
In his brilliant book, How The World Really Works, Vaclav Smil concludes: …of all the risks we face, global climate change is the one that needs to be tackled most urgently and effectively. And there are two fundamental reasons why this combination of...
Google scans your email
If you value your privacy you should stop using Gmail
Have you ever considered how much information Google harvests about you? Google creates ‘shadow profiles’ of every user by tracking, recording and analysing: Every email you send or receive via Gmail Every search you perform on Google search Every video...
A new model for grant funding - to finance the collaborative Commons
The conventional funding model, in which grant making bodies hand out six figure sums to qualifying organizations, is broken. At it’s best the standard grant funding model is woefully inefficient: Huge amounts of funds are wasted on ‘administration’ Time-poor...
The self-reinforcing nature of cooperation and ethical business
Business as usual is unsustainable. Capitalism has legitimised the externalisation of various ‘costs’ to such an extent that it has become normal for companies to exploit the natural world – and their customers at the same time. Take the example...
A Co-operative Privacy and Trust system for digital dignity
Artists in every field want to collaborate with each other and with their own community-supporting audiences. But trusted collaboration without face to face interaction is difficult. Many of us let the major corporate social platforms manage the majority...
Decent Gov Now
By definition our government should be decent. But it is not. Being decent requires ‘conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour’ or performing to ‘an acceptable standard’. But, according to MORI’s Trends showing satisfaction...
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Everyone is welcome at The Open Co-op.