We write about systems change, project updates and ideas to encourage collaboration at scale. Please add your thoughts in the comments and join our Loomio group to help evolve these ideas.
our key topics cover
20 February, 2020
There is a growing consensus that enabling groups, and networks of groups, to work together, is essential to delivering exponential impact in collaboration and solving humanities multiple challenges. The Magical Number Seven, ideas about committees, decision...
08 February, 2020
This excellent animated video came out in 2010 in response to the failed 2009 Copenhagen Summit. It advocates a network of organisations that together could crowd-source solutions to the climate crisis, namely: A Green Knowledge Trust – A green...
31 January, 2020
In his paper on ‘Democracy and E-Democracy – A discussion of the possibility of supplanting traditional representative democracy with e-democracy’, Ehud Shapiro asks “Why has an Internet revolution of democracy not yet occurred?” He concludes that...
05 December, 2019
One of our key projects at The Open Co-op is The Open Credit Network, which evolved out of OPEN 2018 and our previous work on ideas for a co-op coin. Having tested a proof-of-concept and visited Sardex, a successful mutual credit network in Sardinia,...
03 July, 2019
The OPEN 2019 Community Gathering took place on the 27th and 28th of June in the event space at Tech City College. We changed the venue shortly before the event to support the boycott of the University of London in solidarity with their workers as The...
20 June, 2019
The Solidfund is offering members of worker co-ops bursaries to cover the costs of travel and tickets to the OPEN 2019 Community Gathering in London next week. Solidfund is an excellent initiative which supports workers to own and control their own livelihoods....
18 June, 2019
The Open Co-op is proud to announce Paul Mason will be attending at OPEN 2019. Paul wrote the important and extremely timely book ‘PostCapitalism’ in 2015 and has recently published ‘Clear Bright Future: A radical defence of the human being’. He is a...
17 June, 2019
*In this article I use the term ‘progressive movement’ to mean all the people and organisations that are working, or would like to work, on creating a world in which people and planet come before profit. If the term does not sit comfortably with you please...
14 June, 2019
The exploitation of temporary, freelance and out-sourced workers is a serious issue. As companies get bigger and more powerful, and operate through platforms which distance them from their stakeholders it is getting easier for them to abuse their workers....
31 May, 2019
The Following talks took place at OPEN 2019 where The Open Co-op community tackled the calling question: How can we support each other to take more effective action to catalyse the collaborative, regenerative economy? Cooperation among Cooperatives: How...
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