We are open WE ARE… [typedjs typespeed=”10″ startdelay=”800″ backdelay=”1002″ backspeed=”1″ loop=”false” cursor=”color:#fff!important;”]…FOR BUSINESS + …TO CHANGE + …TO COLLABORATION[/typedjs] A Protocol for sharing Offers & Wants between networks It was almost 2.5 years ago that Ivana started a thread about marrying needs and offers on The Open Co-op Vision, Progress, Roadmap The Open Co-op was founded in 2004 and has a long history of organising events and running projects to help Catalysing collaboration at scale In his brilliant book, How The World Really Works, Vaclav Smil concludes: …of all the risks we face, global climate If you value your privacy you should stop using Gmail Have you ever considered how much information Google harvests about you? Google creates ‘shadow profiles’ of every user by tracking, A new model for grant funding - to finance the collaborative Commons The conventional funding model, in which grant making bodies hand out six figure sums to qualifying organizations, is broken. At The self-reinforcing nature of cooperation and ethical business Business as usual is unsustainable. Capitalism has legitimised the externalisation of various ‘costs’ to such an extent that it has A Co-operative Privacy and Trust system for digital dignity Artists in every field want to collaborate with each other and with their own community-supporting audiences. But trusted collaboration without Decent Gov Now By definition our government should be decent. But it is not. Being decent requires ‘conforming with generally accepted standards of OPEN 2020: Networked Commons Initiatives OPEN 2020 took place entirely online over two days of talks and discussions and even some poetry - the videos Bristol Pay – a possible future for local currencies This webinar starts with a presentation of the history of the Bristol Pound and the learnings gained from running the VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Governance in collaborative projects OPEN 2020 was run using an open source video tool, managed by a new platform co-op, meet.coop. But how should Video: OPEN 2020 - Mutual credit deep dive Although Mutual Credit has a strong pedigree, both theoretical and practical, it cannot be said to have ‘moved the needle’ VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Cooperation will win Watch the Introduction to day 2 and discussion with Esther Foreman from the The Social Change Agency. Esther and team VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Mr Gee At the end of Day 1 of OPEN 2020 - after 6 hours of focused discussion about co-creating the collaborative VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Universal Basic Everything During this session we hear from Iris Schönherr about the amazing Every One Every Day project they have been running in Barking VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Coordination in decentralised networks There are hundreds of thousands of groups and communities working on building a new economy, but no centralised control or VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Tools of collaboration Every group, project or community needs digital tools to enable collaboration. But which tools should we choose? This is the VIDEO: OPEN 2020 - Introducing mutual credit What is mutual credit? How does it work? How can we enable local mutual credit networks and transition away from