"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Buckminster Fuller

The new model, for a collaborative, regenerative economy, requires:

New ownership

to provide equitable access to the organisations and resources we rely on.

We advocate for cooperative ownership and multi-stakeholder platform co-ops.

New economic

to provide appropriate ways to measure, store and exchange value.

We advocate for locally-led economies, involving new currencies and mutual-credit.

New governance structures

to provide democratic methods to steward our collective endeavours.

We advocate for everyone to have a say in the decisions by which they are affected.

plus, in order to succeed,
THESE new systems need to be underpinned by

A new narrative

to replace the ‘money rules all’ mentality

We advocate a new world view based on a new ontology – a set of principles, or assumptions, about how the world works and the fundamental nature of reality.

All of the components of these new systems already exist.

The Open Co-op community, and hundreds of other networks, are already developing complimentary parts of the collaborative, regenerative economy.

Our Projects include:

commons infrastructure:

Open Web Systems

Open Web Systems

Open source, co-owned, surveillance free email, office and collaborative tools powered by renewable energy.

Online meeting and conferencing tools, powered by renewable energy running on cooperatively owned infrastructure.

network coordination:


A new way to build and manage interoperable directories and maps via decentralised profiles.

Co-op Data Club

Co-op Data Club

A growing network of cooperatives which support other cooperatives through cross-promotion.


Economic Rebellion

Economic Rebellion

Awareness raising project which highlights the work of Fuller and Riegel to promote our most powerful tool for change: MONEY.

Open Credit Network

An open source directory, matching, notification and accounting system for mutual credit payments.

But, in order to collaborate effectively at scale humanity requires a decentralised coordination system to manage our collective endeavours.

We are working towards this goal via a concept we call...

A space for you to share updates – every post has:

  • A title
  • Some main text
  • Tags
  • And local relevance

If posts have ‘local relevance’ as well as @mentions and #tags we create richer data which can be highly filtered to help reduce ‘noise’.

For example, by selecting one of the following options for every post we can direct our messages better.

Local relevance options:

  • Street
  • Neighborhood
  • Town
  • District
  • Country
  • World


So, if you’ve shared your location publicly, only your followers on your street see your question about bin day, and your followers in other countries get a richer feed.

This is just one example of how improving the quality of the data we publish we can create more value within the PLANET commons.

Achieving our full collaborative potential requires networks that can help small groups to connect more effectively with each other at larger and larger scale.

PLANET provides a specific set of group tools to encourage co-creation, collaboration and ethical trade.

A space for you to file your private work and share folders and files with other members.

The Docs system is closely connected to Groups, to

group tools