we promote a new narrative
The Open Co-op is working to develop a new narrative to underpin the regenerative economy and replace the ‘money rules all’ mentality. We have run several sessions at our events to explore ‘the changing narrative’…
Read more about our work on the changing narrative in the posts below:
27 June, 2018
“Politics does not have to be a grim thing – sitting in a chair listening to someone talk at you for hours. We want it to look and feel like a festival – have a good time and decide stuff.” In the run up to the Changing Narrative...
18 July, 2018
Have you ever wondered why the world works like it does? Why things seem skewed in favour of the rich and the powerful and why our so called ‘democratic’ systems seem so inherently unjust? Why we have rampant inequality, poverty, hunger and...
27 September, 2018
See also the videos from the Main Hall, Workshop space and Open space. What happened at OPEN 2018? Nathan Schneider kicked things off with an excellent introduction explaining some of the history of cooperative ownership. Nathan also questioned where...
31 October, 2018
Below is a recording of a session from the OPEN 2018 conference on “The BIG Questions: Tech, Power and Society” featuring Jaya Klara Brekke, Nathan Schneider, Duncan McCann, presented by the inimitable Bernie from OuishareRadio. In this session...
17 June, 2019
*In this article I use the term ‘progressive movement’ to mean all the people and organisations that are working, or would like to work, on creating a world in which people and planet come before profit. If the term does not sit comfortably with you please...
19 June, 2020
“Throughout history, problems have arisen when the language used to represent reality fails to meet the needs and aspirations of people.” David Bollier & Silke Helfrich – Free, Fair and Alive Words, terms and categories of thought isolate and...
17 July, 2020
OPEN 2020 took place entirely online over two days of talks and discussions and even some poetry – the videos are below in chronological order. You can also view them in the OPEN 2020 playlist on our YouTube channel – which includes all the...
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