we promote Economic change
The Open Co-op is working to create new economic systems which provide appropriate ways to measure, store and exchange value. Our projects aim to highlight the solutions, and develop the tools, to power alternative economies.
Our two main projects in this area are Economic Rebellion and The Open Credit Network.
Read more about our work on economics in the posts below:
24 April, 2020
Watch the first intro webinar of OPEN 2020 with Stacco Troncoso and colleagues from Guerrilla Media Collective discussing DisCos, Distributed Cooperative Organizations. The DisCO (read all about it in the DisCO Manifesto) takes a friendly but carefully...
16 April, 2020
The Open Co-op has a vision that we have championed for some time: That an open source platform which provides all the online tools a community needs to thrive could radically catalyse collaboration at scale. We spoke to the Founder and CEO of Open Collective...
26 March, 2020
In the run up to OPEN 2020, which will now be an online event, we caught up with Samer Hassan from P2P Models, where they are investigating decentralizing power and value to deliver the collaborative economy using blockchain. OSB: What’s the latest news...
10 March, 2020
The following blog is a guest post from Daniel Heery, from Charge My Street – a platform co-op that installs and operates community chargepoints for electric vehicles, which is currently raising money through community shares. An the first Open...
04 March, 2020
I see a real need for “scaled connectivity” to advance our work as part of a viable ecosystem. In the run up to OPEN 2020 in London in June, we interviewed Sarah, Mckinley, Director for European Programs for The Democracy Collaborative and the European...
21 February, 2020
What would a sustainable, universally beneficial economy look like? “Like a doughnut,” says Oxford economist Kate Raworth. In this eye-opening talk, she explains how we can move countries out of the hole, where people are falling short on...
05 December, 2019
One of our key projects at The Open Co-op is The Open Credit Network, which evolved out of OPEN 2018 and our previous work on ideas for a co-op coin. Having tested a proof-of-concept and visited Sardex, a successful mutual credit network in Sardinia,...
31 October, 2018
Below is a recording of a session from the OPEN 2018 conference about “When communities of practice meet the collaborative economy” featuring Dr Laura James, Mark Walton, Kate Swade, and Wouter Tebbens, presented by the inimitable Bernie from...
31 October, 2018
Below is a recording of a session from the OPEN 2018 conference on “The BIG Questions: Tech, Power and Society” featuring Jaya Klara Brekke, Nathan Schneider, Duncan McCann, presented by the inimitable Bernie from OuishareRadio. In this session...
27 September, 2018
See also the videos from the Main Hall, Workshop space and Open space. What happened at OPEN 2018? Nathan Schneider kicked things off with an excellent introduction explaining some of the history of cooperative ownership. Nathan also questioned where...
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