The Solidfund is offering members of worker co-ops bursaries to cover the costs of travel and tickets to the OPEN 2019 Community Gathering in London next week.
Solidfund is an excellent initiative which supports workers to own and control their own livelihoods. They want a strong, growing and self-reliant network of successful workers’ co-operatives and are creating a permanent common fund, paid for by members. The Fund supports education and training for worker co-operators and promotes worker co-op organisation and culture.
If you can afford it we highly recommend joining Solidfund which only costs from £1/week.
To apply for a bursary please email us stating if you are a member of Solidfund, and/or which worker co-op you are part of and if you are applying for a ticket and/or travel, and the amount of the travel.
There are no guarantees that you will qualify for a bursary. They will be awarded on a first come, first served basis, to people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to attend OPEN 2019 and there is only £1,000 available, so don’t hang about! Successful applicants will be sent voucher codes to book tickets for free but will need to pay for their own travel, which will be reimbursed after the event on evidence of receipts.
Thanks to Solidfund and everyone who voted to make this possible.